Big Mac as the Body of Christ
“Word became flesh and dwelt among us” or “God became man and dwelt among us” is the central belief of Christianity. If that is true, EVERYTHING HUMAN is imbued, immanent, inherent, imprinted, incarnated, and involved with GOD! That means, all human experiences have the potential to be converted into divine experiences, and vice versa. If that is true, the implications for organized religion and its practices are many.
During the pandemic, churches were closed but worship services were zoomed. For denominations such as the Catholics and the Episcopalians for whom Holy Communion is an integral part of their church service, it became a problem. Some churches instituted drive-thru-communion.
The congregants would drive through the parking lot of the church, and the priest would give them communion bread, and after receiving it, they drove away, like a drive-thru at McDonald’s.
While appreciating the extraordinary efforts the pastors were willing to make, and watching the cars being lined up to receive the body and blood of Christ as bread and wine, I wondered if using the drive-through at the local McDonald’s and picking up a Big Mac and Coke could equally be holy communion with the Lord? I believe the answer is yes!
My spiritual imagination and unity consciousness helps me to see the meat-patty in a hamburger, not merely as a few grams of ground beef. I see a herd of cows in the vast fields of Iowa, a huge meat processing plant in Des Moines, the hundreds of people who are employed there, and the thousands of people who were involved in getting that small piece of patty between the two slices of bread which have a long story of their own.
The same goes for the Coke, the straw, the paper bag in which they were placed, the cooks inside the restaurant, and the young lady who gave it to me at the window. All those people are priests, the McDonald’s is a church at large and the Big Mac and Coke are sacred elements…the body and blood of the Cosmic Christ!