Curiosity Vs Spirituality
What has curiosity to do with spirituality?
If spirituality is about loving people, then showing interest in people and getting to know them is a good way of loving them. It makes loving them easier.
If you are afraid of people or paranoid about them, more than likely you don’t know anything about them. Knowing about people makes me a little closer to them which makes it easy to love them.
When I moved into my new neighborhood a year ago, 300 miles north of my old home town, I knew nobody there. About a 1000 people living in 277 households in my gated community were strangers to me.
Believing the truth that “strangers are family I haven’t met yet,” I began taking walks through the neighborhood, greeting and engaging in small chats with anybody willing to look up from their phone screens or remove their headphones.
(Seeing people walking in nature, watching stupid Tik-tok videos on their smart phones, makes me very sad. They have no clue what they are missing from the mystery and miracle of the Nature around them.
Long story short, I have had good conversations with many of them, made friends with about 30 of them, even sharing meals with some of them in their homes and mine. I feel totally at home, having a deep sense of joy. My curiosity about other humans has everything to do with it.
Curiosity is not about being nosy, but rather about being nice.
It is not about being a stalker but a broker — brokering connections, communion, and communication.
It is not about interfering in people’s privacy but being inquisitive about the mystery of their being.
It is not about finding out their secrets; it is about honoring their sacred nature.
The purpose of curiosity is not to generate gossip, but to foster fellowship.
Ultimately, curiosity is about exploring and experiencing life — the ultimate mystery.
As humans, we are called to pay attention to others. We are called to connect with others, and care about them. That is our calling card.
Refuse to go through life all wrapped-up in your little life. If you go for a walk in nature, leave the phone at home.
Walking in Nature, watching Tik Tok videos on your smart phone, is not smart!