If You Want Abundance and Peace, Feel the Flow, Praise the Flow, and Go with the Flow.
Let me illustrate the concept of flow and abundance by using the analogy of water.
In my house, I can access water through sixteen openings.
A gentle turning of the tap on the external wall of the house brings an abundant flow through the hose, and I can water my garden and wash my car.
Water is instantly available inside the house through the washing machine, dishwasher, showers, bathrooms, and kitchen.
When I turn on the taps, I remember to stop and think about the mysterious quality of water — how two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen which are gases — make a liquid.
I think about the thousands of humans who are working in tandem so that every time I turn on the tap, there is water.
While I take that flow for granted, there are millions of people worldwide, who don’t have access to clean water. I think of the women in Africa and Asia who walk miles to collect and fetch water to their huts. The water flowing into my hands when I wash my hands or the dishes, and the water flowing over me during a shower, are all part of the Universe from which all blessings flow.
My favorite poet Chelan Harkin has an amazing poem about the mystery of water. Meditating on it alone can lift you up to spiritual heights:
We drink the same water
that dinosaurs drank,
that Muhammad used
for his ablutions,
that Jesus used
to wash his disciples’ feet…
We drink the same water
that has lived inside each other’s tears
some deep part of us
has tasted the suffering of all
and the tenderness.
Most of our bodies are made of tributaries,
rivers, oceans, and clouds
we all cycle through each other,
we are Everest’s mists,
we are the evaporation
from The Amazon,
we are the atmosphere.
We drink the same water
that is imprinted with the ecstasy of the estuary
as the river embraces the sea,
of the unconditional baptism of rain —
the heavens have always known
the whole earth is holy.
I also experience the flow of the Universe when I pump gasoline into my car.
While the gas is flowing from the pump into my car’s gas tank, I am observing the sturdy rubber hose attached to an underground tank. I think about the origins of that gas — it could have come from the Middle East or from Texas — and the millions of people who have played a part in making it enter my car which enables me to drive around anywhere I want, anytime I want.
A simple act of inserting a piece of plastic into a slot on the pump instantly activated the flow and filled up my tank, and that too made me hum… Praise God from whom all blessings flow, as I tighten the lid on my gas tank.
By the way, that apparently simple piece of plastic called the credit card, is also mysterious, because unless it has the correct combination of numbers corresponding with my personal numbers which have a million possible combinations, the flow would not start.
Suddenly, a routine, mundane act of pumping gas has become an act of adoration, a moment of overwhelming grace bubbling up in my eyes as tears of gratitude.
If you want love, harmony, peace, and abundance in your life, feel the flow, praise the flow, facilitate flow, and go with the flow.
If you want love, give love; if you want peace, be peaceful; if you want joy, be joyful. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but that is the secret about attracting abundance into your life: you only get to keep what you give away. That is a lesson nature continues to teach us.
(from Cosmic Kindergarten: Earthly Lessons for a Heavenly Life)